It has been a while since we have posted any new updates on Abby. She is doing fabulous. She had a good summer and now is back in school, working hard in 4th grade. Her health is so much better than before.
Just to recap you on whats going on. Abby has a auto immune diease that caused her kidney failure, it is called microscopic polyangitsis MPA ( I know a big word). MPA is where your immunne system turns on your body and hers attacked and destroyed her kidneys. We have been waiting for this MPA to be supperessed so she can be able to get a transplant. We went to the doctor that specializes in Auto Immune dieases last week, and this is our second time going there. This appt. we saw the main doctor, she was very good and educated us a little more on this MPA. Abby has been having chemotherapy treatments once a month to help this MPA go into remission. The MPA has to be in remission so she can recieve a transplant, if it is not ther is a risk of the new kidney being destroyed. The Auto Immune doctor had to decide if Abby needed anymore chemotherapy. If she needed more Chemotherapy than the transplant would need to go the back burner, if she didnt need anymore Chemotherapy then we could get clearance for a transplant. The Doctor explained to me that we need to be patient and severity of the MPA. She also said she needed more test to be done before she could make her decision. When we left that appt. I explained to Abby there was a possblity she would have to do more chemotherapy and her transplant would have to wait. She told me Mom either way I'll be okay! At that point, those where words I needed I hear because the doctor placed worry in me. We prayed alot the next few days and we Just wanted the best for Abby. Finally five days later the doctor's nurse called back and said she did not need anymore Chemotherapy which means she is good for the transplant! Praisie GOD!
We go back to the kidney doctor in two weeks to see what the next steps are for Abby transplant. I will keep you posted! We have come a long way thus far...
Since my last post, Abby has recieved a letter back from President Obama, which made her so happy.
Keep her in your prayers!
Wow!! That really touches me because I have a daughter who has a genetic disease,and we have been in and out of doctors since she was 3 days old. I know how you feel. I'll be praying for you everyday until she comes out of the hospital ...healthy and happy. Mary