Okay back to Abby now. She did talk to her best friend Genesis on the phone the other night and it made her so happy. It was so cute to see her smiling so much on the phone. She can't wait to go home, so Genesis can spend the night. She also looks forward to seeing her little cousin Ezra come visit her. He makes her laugh by doing the moon walk and tries to bet up her dad. Visitors mean so much to her, I can't explain it but it does. She could be having a bad day and be sleepy but when she knows a visitor is coming it perks her up. All of you that have came to see her thanks! Today one of my co-workers came to see her and her son was really touched by Abby. He sent a text out to all his friends telling them about her. How awesome is that. She inspires people just being her self.
This is how she inspired me this week. Friday, Abby was real tired and had no energy. I had been trying all day to get Abby out of the room, but she just was not feeling up to it. One of the Child Life Specialist Miss Destiny came and got Abby to go downstairs to play bingo. Miss Destiny was in need of Abby's assistance for her bingo cards. Abby went downstairs thinking she was doing Miss Destiny a favor, but little did she know what was going to happen next. She won bingo 16 times, you heard it right 16 times. What a smile on her face. Here is the best part. The final game of bingo was black out and Abby had her eye on the grand prize a huge dog stuff animal. She was not the winner of the black out game, but the little girl that won the huge dog stuff animal approached Abby when it was all over. She wanted a monkey that Abby had won in exchange for the huge dog stuff animal. I couldn't believe it, the monkey was like 4 inch big compared to the huge dog stuff animal. The girls exchanged and Abby was a winner again. I learned something that day, sometimes we have to put aside how we feel even when we have every good reason to say no, but take time to go help someone else out and there is a blessing on the other side. Abby really went to bingo so Miss Destiny wouldn't go alone and in return she was blessed. It's so neat how in any situation we can learn something. It made Abby perk up and ignited some energy in her. Abby ended her night by watching the movie Whip It. It's her new favorite movie. I think she wants to be the next babe ruthless. She is eager to break in her new skates now from Santa.
Abby being sick has allowed us to see the kindness of others. From her grandma's daily visits, to her uncle Huero's three phone calls a day to check on her just (SWEET) or the daily text, emails and facebook post I get from my sisters, family and friends asking about her, gives us the strength to get by. Our lives have changes so much these last eight weeks and everyday it changes more and more.
"When life is uncertain live in the moment, and make that moment the best you can!" Bridget Ornelas
Bridget Thanks for keeping us updated on Abby!
ReplyDeleteAnd its so True,I think we all can learn from her, and learn something from every situation we are in.
We continue to pray for her health, and for a healing in her body!
For nothing is impossible with God.
God Bless!
Abby will be in our prayers until she is completely well, thanks for updating us all...lets us know what extra prayers she needs. Meagan told me of Abby's kindness when Meagan came back to school, Meagan told me about how Abby was the sweetest friend, and how Abby helped her get caught up, that meant a lot to Meagan and I, Abby is a very sweet, I can see why Meagan is so fond of her, it has been so nice for me to get to know her through your blog, every thing Meagan has told me is true, Abby is a very special girl. Thanks for keeping us updated, and Meagan can't wait to see Abby, I can't wait to meet her. :) God Bless!
ReplyDeleteAbby is an inspiration to us all. My children are praying for her every day and we are all so proud of how strong she is. The G.L.A.D.'R Galindo family is here for you guys any time. Know that every day you are in our thoughts and we are expecting amazing things to happen in your lives.
ReplyDeleteYou "ALL" are so amazing especially my beatiful niece Abby....she is my hero!!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear she is doing better. Gabby told me she might be going home soon. we keep her in our prayer and love her very much.