We have so many things going on right now that its only the grace of God that gets us through each and everyday. Our lives have changed so much the last year, and all we can do is take step by step, moment by moment and sometimes second by second. As far, as Transplant goes we are getting closer but we are not quite there yet. She still remains on the transplant list as inactive as potential donors are getting tested and the transplant doctors and Abby doctors here in TX are communicating back and fourth. There is two more things to be decided before she is considered Active and not Inactive.
Decision one has been heavy one my heart. You see Abby's blood pressure is controlled with three very strong blood pressure medications and while it is under control the transplant doctors feel that is too many medications needed to control her blood pressure. Which can be dangerous for transplant, so the way to fix this is to have her kidneys removed before her transplant. I know it sounds crazy right. To help you understand the medical logic behind it: If someone blood pressure ever gets low your kidneys will produce a hormone to elevate your blood pressure and since Abby's kidneys do not work they just constantly are sending out those hormones even though her body doesn't need it causing high blood pressure, so the logic is remove the kidneys remove the problems. Which either way one of her kidneys was going to be removed during transplant, and it is probably for the best, but as a mom it was just very scary and upsetting that she may need them removed before she is active on the transplant list. I wish she didn't have to go through any of this but all we can do is pray and ask God to guide the doctors as they go back and fourth to make the right decision and do whats best for Abby, even if its not what I want, all that matters is whats best for her and whats going to make her better so she doesn't have go through all this. Of course Abby is totally aware of whats going on and it doesn't even phase her.
Next Decision has to do with other medications she is on, weather to ween her off or leave her on, If she stays on them then in three months she can be ready for transplant and if she gets weened off it will six months until she is ready and once again its the doctors going back and fourth to decide whats best for Abby. Everything will come together and be the best for Abby, we just need to be patient and wait!
The good news is the potential donor has been through three test and they are all going good, so many people who want to be tested to be a kidney donor for Abby and some have not even meet Abby in person, people kindness has touched our family life. People have helped by stepping up to fund raise for her transplant expenses and that has touched our family too. People support and Prayers give us strength!
Through all this craziness we have learned to be patient and trust God to see us through every circumstance! Someone said wow you guys cant seem to catch a break, but with a strong lil girl like Abby who can compliant but chooses not too, gives us all the reason to keep going and fight this fight with her and for her. Children are a gift from God and He has chosen me to be her mom and I am so grateful for that. We may have had a rough year, but it has also been one of victories and a reminder of GOD faithfulness to our family over and over again! He has held each and every step. We may not know what the Future holds but we know the ONE who holds the future!
Until next time Keep Abby in your prayers and I hope as her journey continues she touches your life as much as she touches mine!
PS- the picture for this blog is from Abby's last chemothearpy appt, I love it so much.....