On the 29th of this month will mark the one year anniversary of Abby's journey, I can't really say this year went by fast, but we are ready to start a new year! Here is the latest update on her journey. In November, Abby, myself (mom) and, Memo ( dad) made a trip to the Lucille Packard Transplant Center in Palo Alto, Calif. After meeting the team there at LPTC, we were very impressed and very happy with our decision to have her transplant there. At first the Doctors at LPTC, were concerned about some test, and had decided that until they spoke to some of doctors at Scottish Rite, her transplant was on hold, in the best interest of Abby's Health.
After a few weeks of the Doctors going back and fourth her Transplant is now in the works! She needs a few more test done here in Texas, once those test are completed she will be on the Active Transplant list, while potential donors are tested. She is currently on the Transplant list but is considered inactive. Since my last blog we now have three people getting tested. I am so touched by people willingness, so many people want to be tested but due to the criteria they are not able to be a donor. The kindness of others to be willing to go under surgery and have a vital organ removed for my daughter leaves me speechless!
The Transplant is going slowly but its going! So keep her in your prayers as well as the three Donors. I'm praying for a perfect match!
I also want to thank Heata and Aloma Rodriquez for hosting a benefit concert for Abby. It was so Awesome, every performer gave a shot out to Abby as well as she got special attention, which she loved so much. It was just what our family needed and for that I am so grateful!
I would like to take a opportunity to ask you to become a registered organ donor, over 109,000 people are awaiting organ transplants, and when you think about it, people die every second of everyday, if everyone was a organ donor, people wouldn't have to wait years and years for a life changing transplant, so I want to encourage to sign up on http://www.donatelife.net/ , they have a lot facts on the misconceptions of being a organ donor!