Abby has been doing fabulos! She recently went to camp and had a blast. at her most recent doctors appt, besides her kidney function all her other labs were normal again... which is Awesome! Today is her monthly Chemotherapy here at Cooks Children, which is a 12 hour process from checking to geting the medicine to being discharged, only 6 hours of it is the actual Chemotherpy. We make the most of the time here and enjoy talking with all the nurses and staff.
When we arrived in our room this afternoon thier was a special anonymous note waiting for us. It really touched our hearts and brought conformation and a faith injection into our lives. I would like to share with you.
Abigail and Family,
Throughout Jesus ministry and all throughout the bible, Jesus tells the people that your faith has healded you. In previous admissions, I've seen your family's faith in the Lord, and I am here to tell you not to give up! Your faith, Abigail has healded you. The Lord has given you us all power and authority to rebuke the devourer and his schemes. Jesus says that we, as born again believers in Him that we will do even greater things than these referring to the miraculous works of Jesus ministrybecause the same power that conquered His grave lives in You! So Abigail Ornelas, by power of Pwer of Jesus Christ in you, your Faith has Healed you!
Romans 8
Matthew 9:22
John 14:12
The reason I am writing all of us this is because I don't want you or family to lose even the slightese bit of hope or faith in the Lord's healing power. In fact I want to encourage you in the Faith. A week or so ago after your last big discharge from the hospital, I was just thinking about you and your family and I feel like I heard the voice of the Lord saying that you will defy the odds of what the doctors say because Jesus is healing you completly! you will not need a transplant, you won't have to be on medications the rest of your life,you WILL be restored to FULL health! He says to ask anything in HIS (Jesus) name and it WILL be done. So Lord Jesus, I ask for your complete Healing to overwhelm Abigail. I ask that all attacks on Abigail phyiscal, mental, spiritual and emotional being be gone in the name of Jesus. let Abigail be a testimony of your incredible grace and mercy. Amen!